April 1, 2025

Nandex regains mantle as head of PNG Kickboxing

The sport of Kickboxing has done well on the international arena and is still going strong despite the challenges and the political disturbances that we have encountered.

However, despite all that going on in the background the executives have been very much intact together with their loyal members, fighters and officials for the past four years.

They have held on until on the 1st of October, 2016 the World Kickboxing Federation (WKF) and World Kickboxing Association (WKA) gave back the appointment to Chief Stanley Nandex as the President for PNG Kickboxing Federation (PNGKBF) and the national director for WKF and WKA in PNG to continue with its programs and activities.

There is a saying that goes; “empty drums make a lot of noise,” We were just the same when we faced the tough times when all kinds of influences within and abroad were done but without the HEART for the sport.

Today I am proud to announce that I am back in to the PNGKBF office as the CEO and will need your support again to work together for the betterment of the sport in the country.

I will be looking at identifying members one by one who have been ‘Stepping our backs’ because this kind of people are a bad influence for the sport.

Kickboxing teaches discipline and such behaviour is not acceptable.

I want to assure you all that now I will be working on the strategies and programs that will keep our members actively involved in both amateur and professional engagement.

Our General meeting will be held in Kimbe during the PNG Games in March, 2017 and I look forward to meeting you all.

Thank you all for your Patience, Loyalty, Respect, Honor, Trust, Confidence and the Support over the years.
Thank you all and God Bless.

Wishing you all for the coming Christmas a Merry one and a Happy New Year, 2017.

Stanley Nandex MBE, ML.

Andrew Molen

Andrew is the founder of PNG Warrior, photojournalist and martial artist.

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